Toquam's magnet program is AVID. AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. What is AVID? The AVID approach teaches students to develop academic habits that will be necessary in middle school, high school, and college. Scholars learn about organization, study skills, communication and self-advocacy. Students develop higher order thinking at a younger age by taking structured notes, working collaboratively, participating in socratic seminars and reflecting on their learning process. Teachers promote rigor through WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading. WICOR provides a model for teachers to use to guide their students through complex academic tasks. AVID schools follow four pillars to be successful: Instruction, Culture, Leadership, and Systems.
AVID Schools in a SNAPSHOT.
- AVID alumni who go to college are 4 times more likely to graduate than their national peers.
- 2 million students have participated in AVID programs.
- 8,000 schools are AVID schools.
- AVID scholars attend college at higher rates than non AVID schools.
- 42% of first-generation, low-income AVID college students graduate with a 4 year degree compared to 11% of their peers.
Continue to learn more about this wonderful organization here.